
Cleansing program -1

Any practical and full cleansing program is connected with many levels. First of all, as everyone dealing with nutrition and body functions approves, the proper diet is the basis of the health. Diet here doesn’t mean at all to make your body suffer with many and various “instructions” of what to eat. In nutrition and diet, the most important question is “how”. And then comes “what”. As humans, we are only responsible for our own bodies, and the body is the material box (as I appointed in my other writings), which preserves all our energy centers (chakras) and the aura, as well as the soul. We have to find the configuration between all the elements and the harmony, in which they are active. Because we are very well destroying our functional system, and that leads to destruction of our main energy system as well. And without energy we lose the power soon and lose all. That `s why the nutrition is the first step. Here I`ll appoint just one way to the aim of “cleaning” and purifying our bodies, which is obligatory for everyone who wants to achieve higher spiritual levels. I created a program for my purposes, which contains some basic rules. If you follow them properly, and follow the other steps properly, you wont be even near to suffer from any illness. The program is based on repeated 10 days strict nutrition, which are repeated after that again and again. It excludes white sugar, any sweeteners (except honey) and white bread. The first day to start the program can be: 11th of the month, 22nd of each month, 5th of each month, or New moon, Full moon. These are the best options to start.

1. day : During the first day of the program (which should start since around 6.00 pm from the previous day!) you should clean your body from all food elements, so it is dedicated to drinking liquids. You shouldn’t eat anything, but drinking is divided in very strict portions. The drink is white or/ and green TEA. You should start with drinking cup of tea (in warm condition, but not hot!) in the following hours: 10. am, 12. pm, 2.00 pm,4.00 pm6.00 pm8.00 pm. That means totally 6 times in the day. These exactly six times are main for the whole period of the diet.
a) during that time, it`s very recommended to connect the tea-cleansing day with good meditation In the morning, with a relaxation music listening, and shower or bath with relaxing aroma. That all will open your senses and lead you to the next level. On the first day is not recommended to read or accept anything with the mind, but let your mind be open, as your spirit. This is the day of acceptance. Make also a short ritual/ prayer of thanking God, when you wake up and before sleep. Very important: don’t use any sugar or honey with your tea! That will spoil the effect of the diet and dedication.
Why Green tea? *
For thousands of years green tea gained amount fame due to its unique properties. While anti-oxidant mixtures in green tea decrease the risk of cancer, they also help in losing weight, controlling blood pressure and fat by increasing metabolism. Significant amount of fluoride in green tea plays a critical role in protecting teeth.
More information of the white and green tea!
Both white and green teas come from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. White tea leaves are harvested at a younger age than green tea leaves. White tea is considered rare and is usually more expensive than green, as it can only be hand picked during a few days of early spring and has to be handled with such care.

Green tea involves slightly more processing compared to white tea. White tea is steamed rapidly and then dried. While green tea is partially fermented. First it's steamed, fired and then rolled. Black tea on the other hand is fully fermented. Because white and green teas are treated gently and not overly processed, they retain most of their beneficialantioxidants. Green tea is considered rich in antioxidants. However since white tea is less processed, it retains a higher amount of antioxidants, compared to green.

White tea contains the same types of antioxidants as green tea, but in greater quantity. These antioxidants are found to have many health promoting properties including boosting cardiovascular health, helping to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer and enhancing weight loss. The caffeine component of green tea has been shown to have a positive effect on green tea's ability to help with weight loss – so choosing green over white in this instance maybe more beneficial as green tea contains slightly more caffeine. Green tea contains around 20g of caffeine, compared to white that has around 15g. In comparison, black tea contains around 45mg.

White tea also tastes different to green, having a smoother, gentler, almost sweet taste.

Green tea is definitely an extremely healthy addition to the diet. I think the reason more people recommend green tea over white is that it has been studied extensively; it's more common plus it's easier and cheaper to buy.

However, considering white tea contains more antioxidants and less caffeine, white tea would be an even healthier choice. A tip when buying white or green tea: choose organic as the tea plant readily absorbs fluoride from pesticides.

2. FRUITS: the next 9 remaining days are dedicated to a specific food, or kind of food. As follow: next 3 days are days of fruits, next 3 days – of vegetables, next 3 days – of lentils and grains. There are some “combination rules”, which I`ll point out. So after the day of tea-purifying, we are going to the only fruits day, which is repeated 3 times. That makes the body full of energy of natural VITAMINS, natural sugar and acids. They help not only to provide energy, but maintain the body and skin fresh. Why only fruits? The answer is obvious since years, many books are written on this topic. We as human beings, started to think (wrongly!) that without a huge amount of food consumption we cant survive and we need at once all elements in all kind of foods! That is absolutely not truth. We need to develop and make functional our system, enzymes, and cells, using a sophisticated method, which used the optimal energy of the food. Fruits are proven to give their optimal energy (vitamins and minerals), when consumed separately. And that’s a fact! We always tend to eat fruits as “dessert” as final meal, before some scientist told us that is wrong, and made us to eat them in the start, even 30 min before meal! It means just one: fruits contain important and essential vitamins and elements, which are functional for us only when accepted separately. That’s why the program here is dedicated to them in the first place. And there is no restriction to the quantity of the fruits, just to the quality, and some rules about their preferable order. Consume the fruits in good portions, divided into the same 6 hours zones: 10-12-2-4-6-8. The fruits should be seasonal and preferable not in a can, but fresh. For example for breakfast you could eat one bowl of cherries. Then you can continue again with cherries or with apples, pears, berries, peach, apricot, sugar-melon, water melon. You can use your imagination how to mix these fruits, or you can eat even one and the same fruit all the day long – depending on your taste. Just you shouldn’t “mix” together the following fruits (they have to be eaten separately from others): banana, apples, cherries, melon. These are fruits, that have higher calorie and they will give you a great mood too. Another rule is about the time of their consummation: Specially these fruits are well in the time zones (12-2-4) because in this time the food can be processed slowly in good way. Morning is recommended to start with red fruits and any kind of berries. But don’t be afraid to eat the same fruits the whole day, specially if its your favorite! Go ahead.
Little more about fruits: when you have law blood pressure, eat plenty of red fruits –cherries and sour cherries, or oranges and mandarin, acc to the season. If your blood pressure is high eat more melon and sugar-melon. Apples are very recommended always.
** during the fruit days, try to not miss an hour for eating, and eat middle or little portions. Don’t drink water after the fruits, but before! Don’t drink anything with sugar or milk, or coffee, during these days!
Vegetables days are very important for the program. The next 3 days are dedicated to them, and specially they should be eaten in raw condition (not cooked). Take care to follow again the strict time zones of eating, but here we omit the last hour -8.00 pm, so they remain 5: 10-12-2-4-6.  In these days, unlike the fruits program, you can combine very well vegetables with milk products! It`s preferable to not consume bread, but if you feel you cant, then you can eat slice of whole-grain bread in the morning! Your regime can include: skimmed milk, butter, white, yellow cheese. So in the morning you can eat milk and little cheese with one tomato. Then you can choose to make a big salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and olives with onion and something green. At 2.00 pm you can enrich your menu with potato soup, or any vegetable soup, or just boiled/ steamed potatoes and carrots; or any cooking with spinach. (No rice!) You can eat any kind of vegetable like: lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, bell peppers, in combination with cheese and yogurt. Take care of the proportions! Vegetables should be more. (these diet is made specially for vegetarian people, but you can use the same for people who eat meat, you can make combination with meat and vegetables!) And don’t forget the best vegetable: Tomato!  (some rules: in addition avoid to put much salt in any dish, better to eat the raw salads without salt or with special kind of salt (the pink one). Don’t use bread at all, while eating!
The last 3 days nutrition zone is devoted to lentils products and grains. We have to take care, to not overuse that for eating bread! (as most habit of the humanity) In this day also you have 5 hours of eating : 10-12-2-4-6, when is your final meal. So start with a slice of whole grained bread with cheese, or just yogurt with musli and cornflakes. (better not milk). Continue with soup of brown or yellow lentils or of beans; or cooking from green peas. These days you could make a nice dish of rice and corn, or rice and green peas. Eat the rice best on steam, or cooked max 15 min, with spices, and without bread! In this days, don’t eat more than 1 or 2 slices of special bread. This day is one of the most important for the nutrition and the final phase of the 10 days regime. Take care to not eat in any other hours than the recommended! To not eat more than 1 portion, and to eat various of lentils/ beans for the whole time. Don’t eat fruits or vegetables during these days! And that’s a main rule, to divide the categories. Something more: drink plenty of water, before the meals! Not immediately after.
Then the program starts again- the first day tea and then 9 days. For one month you should make the diet totally 3 times and for 3 months –totally 9 times. When you finish 3 whole months of using it, you`ll realize the effect! And it will be really good one!
Good luck!
